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give me 5 minute.....

k...5 minit je utk aku type2 kat sini. pasni nk fokus ngn FPA.....

firstly..... mati aku kalau mcm ni. FPA blom dpat cover sume...aduiyai...hrp nnt smpat la aku cover sume.. aku x nk repeat paper ni... pliz la...pliz la... Grace, pliz dont do something stupid k? all of this menentukan masa depan kau, Grace! u can DO IT!!!!!!

secondly, my dear im still waiting for u.. esehmen! jiwang karat! hahaha... i confess to u that i will serious with u. dont want any puppy love.. serious relationship.. dont want to be like before.. ur answer? hope u can give me good news... tapi, walau apa pon i xkan memaksa u. its all from ur heart. tepok dada, tnya hati. hati kata yes, then it will be yes.. if hati say no, then thats all.... hehehe..... but we still friend rite? ..:D

thirdly, Grace! hehehe...wake up! stop dreaming!!! ok....

lastly, GOD pliz bless me. i noe u heard my pray. pliz n pliz send ur angel to guard me. guard my thought, my heart and mostly my feeling...(xsma kah ngan my heart?)....pliz GOD give me strength to face all of this situation. GOD, pliz let me strong to handle all of this.. Thank U GOD!!!

p/s: gracie! u can do IT!!!!! muahmuah.....
to someone, right here waiting for u..... lalalalala

5 minute is over! hhehehe...see u later!


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