dear bloggie.... Today is the last day in 2011. Walao!! A lot of things happen in 2011. REWIND!!!!! hahahaha.. January : The month i love the most. Because my birthday was in January. And, of course i celebrate it with my dearest and lovely Uni's friend. Collin, Bernerd, James, Virginia and Nawi. Not forget Firah and Fazi..(they cook for me on my special day..hehehehe) February : The month that always make me wondering.... Who will be my valentine?? For the time being, there is still no one that suitable enough to be my valentine... (in fact, im still searching..hehe) But, i believe there will be someone to fulfill my Valentine list.. haha... Meet u soon my Mr. Valentine.... March & April : Hurm.....Well, both this month i'm busy with my handball training, assignment, and classes. Stress a lot tho!!! @.@'' May : Exam fever?? Absolutely.... start doing revision, memorize the fact.. so on and so forth. And prepared to going back for semester break! HAHAHA... Gawai on ...
Be happy .... Live the life to the fullest!.. Regret nothing...