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Showing posts from January, 2012

:: Thanks to GOD ::

dear bloggie.... I am really thankful to GOD. HE has blessed me. I got good result and achieve my target... YAHOOOOOOOOO.... Thank you Lord for your blessings. And not forget to my parent that always praying the best for me... Hehehehe...

:: Nervous ::

dear bloggie.... Pagi tadi, aku antara org bertuah sbb smpat tgk keputusan semester lepas. HUHU.. Keputusan result aku xla terlalu gempak tapi berjaya mencapai matlamat! HAHAHA!! Syabas mera beta...syabas! Tapi.. petang tadi aku cuba view balik, dah hilang dah. Ye lah...sepatutnya 31 Jan keputusan keluar. Tetapi, 30 Jan dah kuar.. tu pon half day. (ada half day jga ye...). Apa2 pun, aku harap sgt kptsan tu esok x berubah. Sama je.. Kalau berubah pun, berubah kepada yang lebh positif. Kalau blh nak dapat A++ ada bintang2 n love2. hahaha Masuk hari ni, dah nak msk minggu ketiga aku stay kt JB n berkhidmat utk anty n uncle aku kat company Worldwide Sealing Technology. Seriously, i feel something la bila keja dgn family ni. Tension and pressure lagi kuat berbanding kerja dengan org yg lgsg takde kaitan dgn fmily. Memang lah biznes is biznes, nothing with relationship. But the problem is, bila org ni ckp yg ini psl org ni, yg ni plak ckp yg ni. Aku plak, tadah telinga dgr je apa yg dorang ...

:: Awan Nano ::

dear bloggie.. Wah... x rugi aku tgk AJL 26 kali ni. Keputusan sgt2 memuaskan hati. Awan Nano nyanyian dari Hafiz dah berjaya memenangi hati juri. (esehmen..rsa mcm ayat lam news je..hehehe). Dengan kostum yg murah, , pon dia blh menang derrr... Hehehe... Memang terbaeeeekkk lah... Trio, 3 Suara iaitu Ning Baizura, Jacklyn victor, n Shila Hamzah pon bleh than juga. Aku rasa kalau diaorg superpower lagi msti ada can lah nak jadi juara. Hehehe.. Lagu artis lain pon ok gak. Boleh tahan... Anyway, Congratulations la dgn TV3 yg sntiasa memberi kejutan kat penonton satu Malaysia ni. Program diaorg memang terbaeeekkk pnya lah.. Nanti aku nak kawin blh la aku tempak event planner dari TV3 kan? kan? kan? hehehehe... Gempak lahhh.. HEHE... p/s : bila dgr lagu awan nano, tringat plak aku ngan Johan n Zizan masa Maharaja Lawak..**begitu lah awan nano nano nano nano nano nano nano...** hahahahahahaha Love, Gracie Muahmuah xoxo!

:: Weekend ::

dear bloggie.... Sabtu.. hari untuk berlibur.. bersuka ria.. Hari ni, aku ngan anty dan kazen aku buat panggang memanggang.. Oleh kerana anty aku teringin nak makan ot ot, jadi kami dua pergi lah market kat tmn johor jaya. Beli ot ot ngan ayam. Ada juga beli daging kambing skit. Panggang je lah kan. Aku, anty aku ngan kazen aku kontrak panggang ot ot dgn ayam. Adik aku ngan sorg lagi kazen aku kontrak panggang kambing.. Tapi, tu la pasal. Gara2 nak tgk Man U ngn Liverpool main, skli tgk kambing hangus daa,,.... Aduhai.... Malam ni, minum lagi aku. Anty aku buka wain. PErgh!! Boleh tahan... Ibarat orang mengantok disorong bantal..aku hentam je lah. Bukan selalu dpt minum wain ni... Hehehe... Habis satu botol aku kerjakan...Ambik kau.. Pening tu tak la sangat. Tapi mengantuk ada lah... (lepas ni tidur lah aku..) Walaupun aku minum2, tapi itu bukan lah bermakna aku ni alcoholic ye. I admit it i love to drink. It all just for fun. Time sedey2, apa klas mnum kan. Hehehe... So, jganlah salah...

:: Life ::

dear bloggie.... Haaaaa... that was my foot's henna. New thing i've done since i stay at JB. HAHA.. I really love do henna on my feet and hand. Becauseeee (angela's speaking style) i can't do tatoos. It is taboo to my daddy. He don't want my brother and i, myself do tatoos on our body. So, by doing henna is my alternative way to replace the tatoo things. Henna can "pudar" maa... hehehehe... Last few days, my aunty N suddenly asking me question about my LOVE thing. Hahahaha... She ask me, what kind of man that i like? Specifically the race. Tetttttt.... My answer, i'm more prefer someone who has the same culture with me especially on food.. Hehehe.. Another specifically, i like melanau. I don't know why? Maybe because of their language...their language kinda like my Kenyah language. HEhehe.. However, i'm not rejected iban and kenyah man. It just that i already inside the community, so why not i'm exploring another community.. HEHE.. However...

:: 4 bottle! ::

dear bloggie... Because of this chinese new year, it doesn't mean we can't celebrate it. HAHAHA... But of coz not in chinese way la... Tonight, all of us having a great time together. My uncles, cousin and i having drinks la.. Before that, in the day i was helping my aunt cleaning the house. From downstairs to upstairs. Quite tired la.. then, at night my aunt in-law come to house and what a happening.. OMG.. We drinks Baileys (alcohol that smells like capucino), than i'm having a whiskey (black label, dimple and green label) . Walao!! Then, my uncle start "pening", andmy cousin and i keep listening their talking. What a silly laa... Make me smile non-stop. But then, i need to move. And here i am updated my blog. HEhehe... I'm not to drunk. I need to control my behavior in front of my uncle . Otherwise, i will start laughing and laughing than singing. HAHAHA~~ Still respect them la.. HEEHEHE... (xnak pecah tembelang nanti). HAHAHA.. Maybe after this, i will tak...

:: Sharing birthday ::

dear bloggie.... After done with work at office, than i and my aunt went to Giant Plentong. Having some shopping for Emily (my cousin) and i birthday party. It's not a big party. Just the simple one. Only Emily, my aunt, Angela's babysitter and i who enjoying the party. Uncle H didn't join us. Maybe he is to tired. But nevermind la... We BBQ!! Chicken wing, lamb shoulder, and catfish (ikan keli laa) is our main dish. Waa... hehehe... After having a light dinner, than Emily and i "potong birthday cake!" hehe... Fruity cake. Have peach, strawberry, kiwi and dragon fruit on top of the cake. It is really nice and yummy. I like it! Anyway, thanks to Aunty N buy all the stuff... And also Angela who always cheer us up! Sayang Angela.. NAughty Angela.! To all the chinese, Happy Chinese New Year and Have a Prosperity This Year. Gong xi gong xi..ang pau na lai! Hehehe... Love, Gracie.. Muah xoxo!

::My Birthday ::

dear bloggie.... Happy Birthday to me!!... Today is my 23th birthday. Wow... 23 years old, and i'm here still single and available (but yet i'm not accept anyone..) hehehe.. On this special day, i did not celebrate it. Yeah..yeah.. it is because i'm at JB, not my own house...or at Kuching. If i at Kuching..of coz i really drunk tonite!! Yuhuuu!! HAHAHAHA...who care. My birthday i can do whatever i want to do.. it's my special day. HEHEHE... but here, what can i do since it is not to important to them. They were busy with their work and other things. Hurm... i'm only a guest here..hurm... And today also was my third day working at Worldwide Sealing Company. Already know how to do purchase order, deliver order and invoice...i'm still slow, but can understand easily if i try harder... hehehehehe...Hope i can do it better next time eventhough i only spend 1 month here... just helping my aunt and uncle je... :D Love, Gracie... Muahmuah xoxo!!

:: JB Life ::

Dear bloggie... Today is my second day at JB. Well... today is quite boring. I just stay at home, playing with Angela, watching tv and sleep.... Yesterday, before i'm leaving kuching...i sent sms to my dearest friend...benerd, colin, nawi, virginia and martin... Martin had call me and said he will miss me soo much... A month is feel like a year for him.... HAHAHA... Martin..martin...Don't worry, i will always by ur side...! :D ** before boarding time ** Ok..ok... don't know what else what to share.. later2 i update lg ye... hehehehe....

:: Still in the Middle of War...::

dear bloggie.... With my sleepy dizzy and mountain of blur thinking..(apa pnya ayat daa).. here i am. Updating my blog in early morning since i didn't sleep from yesterday.. Huhuhu.. Doing revision, then sending Juti to airport... Now, i lying down on my lovely mattress... Oh my God.!! What will happen to me if i can't answer very well during my examination later?? Dear God..please bless me... My dear lovely bestfriend, Mr. M came and meet me. Absolutely, we sharing a lot of stories. Because of own busyness, it is really hard for both of us to meet and lepak-ing together. Sometimes we lepak la..but always with the others. Plus, Mr.M is quite busy with her Mrs.M.. Naaaaa.. M&M. What a coincidence... Tettttt!!! As a friend, i listen and give some advice to him..about his relationship, career and his personal life. almost 10 years we been friend. Since high school...and yet, he still rely on me when some matters come up. Yes, he really comfortable to shar...

:: Last 2 Papers ::

dear bloggie... YEAH... now sitting in this com lab. Google-ing some directory or whatever to find a suitable place for my intership training this coming June. Oh gosh... Tommorow will be my third exam paper. Dr.Lucy's paper...hurm..still didn't read any of her article yet..(actually, dah baca pun cuma blm buat smple note je..). Semester break will be started on this saturday noon... hehehe.. start to packing my stuff... then flying back to JB.... Hope i will find something precious when i'm at JB.. ngeeeee....

:: The War Begin Version 2 ::

dear bloggie... Now is 5.04 am. And i still awake to do some revision.. And yes..i can't download any note for this moment due to a lot of stuff i need to install in my brain... (nang ayat IT benar! Hahahaha) For this moment being, i need to stop for a while.. take a rest..(sleep for 1 hour perhaps? hehehe). Gender, human rights, NGO's, MNC's bla bla bla bla..i have memorized all of it, but i'm afraid i can't answer VERY well for every each question that are provide. HUHUHU... but anyway, i know i can answer it in my very best way.. HAHAHA~~~ I can't wait to finish all my exam paper...hehehe... even though my break semester is only 1 month but for me is not a break since i need to help my aunt at her company. Tetttt!! (duit2 lai.. hehe) Its raining rite now...and it is really cold... well, get to go.. And wish me luck for my exam.. God, please stop the rain for a while... Kesian kawan2 ku yg kenak jln kaki..kena ujan.. ok? Hehehe... Love by me.. Muahmuah! xoxo!

:: The War Begin ::

dear bloggie.... Tomorrow (actually this evening since it pass 12 am..hehe) I will start my battle with my examination this semester. Oh My God!! Aduhai... Now, my comrade ( classmate) and i are preparing ourselves with our good "weapon" to kill our beloved enemy!! HAHAHAHA... Let the war begin!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck my dear comrade! kihkihkih..start talking nonsense..

:: Welcoming 2012 ::

dear bloggie... Hello 2012! I think it is not too late enough for me to say Hello to 2012. HAHA.. celebration for countdown... yeah, its quite bored. All place were full with people who excited celebrating new year. Well, i'm going out with Bnerd, Martin and Man. Just 4 of us. Actually i prefer to stayed at home that night. But, yea yea..they bring me to join them too.. And now, i struggling for my final exam. Hoho..i only did some revision. URGH! Done with final, to JB. I will spent a month there with my lovely baby Angela. (Actually, my aunt ask me to work with her... tettt) Ok... hehe.. At least i have income during my break sem rite?? Hehehehe... Ok..need to stop now. And see u soon... :D Love ya! Muahx! xoxo!