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Showing posts from December, 2011

:: Countdown.. ::

dear bloggie.... Today is the last day in 2011. Walao!! A lot of things happen in 2011. REWIND!!!!! hahahaha.. January : The month i love the most. Because my birthday was in January. And, of course i celebrate it with my dearest and lovely Uni's friend. Collin, Bernerd, James, Virginia and Nawi. Not forget Firah and Fazi..(they cook for me on my special day..hehehehe) February : The month that always make me wondering.... Who will be my valentine?? For the time being, there is still no one that suitable enough to be my valentine... (in fact, im still searching..hehe) But, i believe there will be someone to fulfill my Valentine list.. haha... Meet u soon my Mr. Valentine.... March & April : Hurm.....Well, both this month i'm busy with my handball training, assignment, and classes. Stress a lot tho!!! @.@'' May : Exam fever?? Absolutely.... start doing revision, memorize the fact.. so on and so forth. And prepared to going back for semester break! HAHAHA... Gawai on ...

:: Final Exam is Coming ::

dear bloggie... hohoho..agak lama la aku x update blog ni. Cerita terkini aku..struggling utk final exam yg tinggal seminggu setengah lagi...(betul ke aku kira ni??). Setelah beberapa hari aku tinggalkan lappy ni sndirian kat rumah and nota2 yg ada... dan semlm aku bru aku bermesra dgn lappy aku. Alahai...kesiannye lappy aku kan?? HEHEHE~~ Dan sekarang, aku tgh membekukan diri di CAIS untuk online+cari article+cari buku= @.@".. tettt,!!!! Final kali ni aku berdoa sgt2 dapat buat yg terbaik and dapat result gempak..and ada peningkatan. Nak harapkan result sem lepas masih average giler... Nervous pon ada gak aku ni... huhuhu.... Tak lama lagi dah nak masuk tahun 2012....dan bila tahun baru dah bermula, maka dengan itu umur aku pon meningkat setahun. Umur dah meningkat tapi sulu hati blom ada. Aduhai...susah hati juga aku ni. Hari2 yg dilalui pon boring je. Nak cari, aku dah try cari tapi smua x sesuai dengan citarasa aku. Bukan lah aku chossy...tapi nak cari yang terbaik. Nak harapk...


dear bloggie.... I think im not too late to wish Merry Christmas to all Christian.. Really wish all of u have a Happy Christmas!! This year, i celebrate Christmas with my dear friend at his kampung, Serian. And this is my first time celebrating christmas far away from my beloved family. Well, due to study stuff (final exam), so i can't going back to my hometown. Anyway, really thankful with my friend's family member that welcoming me and my 2 others friends in such a great way. It really wonderful moment. Well, supposedly we spent for 2 days and 1 night at kampung. But, there was flood at kampung and we can't get out, so we extend another night. For sure, the moment we had at kampung was valueable. And yes i'm really drunk at the last nite we spent there! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What make me still laugh and smiling until today, i didn't know what i have done when i'm drunk. I only know from my friend's mum that i always laugh and talking and laugh. Yeah..that is me ...

:: Christmas!!!! ::

dear bloggie..... HoHOHO..merry christmas to those celebrate it. Me here? Celebrate alone without my family. UUUUWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sedih!!! Mummy,daddy and my 2 little bro celebrate at my daddy village, Long Selaan. Timothy celebrate it at JB with anty nelly and family. While, i'm here stuck at Kuching!! HUHUHUHU... pity me...... Next year, i balik christmas!! Peduli.. Hate this feeling.. Tapikan, xde ke hadiah christmas aku tahun ni?? hehehehe... Assignment pon dah habis. Sekarang tumpukan kat final je. Hope final ni nanti aku dapat buat sehabis baik la... hehehehe...Nanti result kuar conform2 la gempak kan?? kan?? hehehehe...anyway, to my dearest fren especially my dear classmate, wish u guys good luck and do the best! :D Ok lah..dah lama x update blog tersayang ni.. Well, too busy with my assignment and other things. Now, i free from any assignment. Just need to focus on my final exam. But first of all, i want to rewards myself..ITS SHOPPING TIME!!!! hahahaha..msti bnya...

:: ASEAN's Politics Course Seminar::

dear bloggie..... Hujung minggu aku agak sibuk. Sebab aku n member klas yg lain semua sibuk mnyiapkan slide utk case study. HOHOHOHO.... superb exhausted. Xcukup masa... article need to be read. And tackle our case study very well.. WALAO!... Aku macam biasa...sebelum present mmang aku akn bermake-up yg mana aku rasa selesa. Ye lah.. br ada keyakinan kan?.. Just simple make-up je.. Dah cukup beri keyakinan kat aku.. hehehe... Title case study aku, Migration in Southeast Asia and ASEAN Role... Nasib baik ga la lecturer aku x de komen bnyak. "Well done, Grace".. itu je ayat dia. HEHE... syukur kepada tuhan... Berikut gambar kami2 yang aku sempat amik... * michael lai * * it's me!!! hehehe * *muka lega lepas present..hehehe* *haa...yang ni....aku pon tak tau* Ok..gambar dah tgk...cerita pon aku cerita sikit2 je.. hehehehe...sekarang ni mnyiapkan report pulak.. ADohai.... p/s: angol palak..!! _________________________ I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't ...

:: McD-ing::

dear bloggie, lebih kurang 5 jam lgi, aku ngan member kelas aku yg lain akan berjuang utk presentation ASEAN Politics.... Dan sekarang, aku ngan Firah menjana idea di McD. HAHAHAHA... lepak di mcD tgh2 malam ni. MEmang menjana idea. HAHA... tapi malam ni bil org yg dtg mcD mmg ramai. Malam weekend kot... Ada yg balik dr night party, n mlm ni juga ada celebrate birthday at bcck (perhaps).. hehehehe... Ada gak la terserempak dgn bdak unimas.. Senior dan junior ku. HEHEHE.... Grrrrrrr....*sejuk*... Saje nak updated blog ni. Sbb nak amik kesempatan guna wi-fi kat McD. HAHAHAHAHA!! p/s: macam2 ragam org mlm ni aku tgk...bpluang jga la aku tgk "social worker" kt sini...nice viewing ok..?..

:: Simple Party with Dr.Lucy ::

dear bloggie....... Hari ni kelas SSA3033, Security and National Defense, adakan parti. Simple party je. Aku, Kabi, Firah ngan Fazi pegi amik KFC yg dah ditempah oleh Kabi. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...semerbak bau ayam KFC dlam kereta aku. Hehehehehe.... Pastu, masuk kelas dah mmg konform2 lambat la... hehehe... habis kelas dr.lucy, kitaorg pun mkn2 dalm kelas. and bg souvenir utk dr.lucy. Dr. Lucy of coz la tak sangka yg kitaorg ada bt party mcm tu ngn dia wpon simple...anyway, each of us really enjoy with the moment. Tanpa sedar, hubungan diantara kitaorg sekelas actually makin rapat. Dulu msa2 mula dulu....jmpa2 dlm kelas je pun. Pastu abis2 mcm tu je. Sekrang ni, kalau sorg takde dlm kelas, mula lah mencari...lebih2 si colin tu yg mmg selalu jadi tumpuan. HEHEHE... Antr org yg selalu di cari dlm kelas klu tetiba menghilang : 1. Kema 2. Colin 3. Ben 4. Vee 5. Kabi Tu lah antara mereka2 yg sntiasa di cari kalau diorg takde dlm kelas. HEHE.... Bawah ni gambar2 dlm kelas yg smpat aku am...

:: Kehidupan ku ::

dear bloggie... ye..aku meng-update-kan blog aku. Sekarang ni aku mnggunakan khidmat PC drpd CAIS tersyang aku. HOHO..nak guna wireless lam CAIS ni slow sgt... **CAIS tu library - info utk followers aku yg bkn dr Uni aku..hehe** Tmbh2 lg aku saspek yg lappy kesygn aku nk mcm kena virus. huhuhu... Jgn la ko diserang virus lappy. Aku msh mggunakan khidmat ko. Nak serang tunggu aku cuti sem. Nanti aku hntr p klinik. K?? K ?? firstly, Aaaaa...kehidupan ku sbg student skrg ni mmg pnh dugaan. Dugaan plg kuat aku ialah masa utk aku mnyiapkan assignment yg diberikan oleh lec aku. Aduhai..naik biul juga otak aku nk mmbaca artikel yg boleh dikaitkan. HUHUHU... Tmbh2 lgi nak mncari buku2 di CAIS yg agak berterabur, lg pning kpala aku nk mncari. Aduhai!! secondly, ni nak cerita. Tdi nyah aku, Ida ada dtg rumah. Mak jga la bergosip ngn dia setelah skian lama x bergosip. Ye lah..msg2 bz dgn keja. Dia nk siapkan PTA dia..aku plak dgn ...mcm biasala..asaimen. Haa...mmg bz la... Kdg2 ada...

:: Over Sleep ::

dear bloggie.... HUHU~~ dua hari setgh aku x men-online kan diri. Semua gara2 aku x tdur semlaman hri khamis yg lepas. "Ngiga tekuyung" - happy hour la kirenye tu.. pastu plak hari jumaat siang aku pergi berjual. Olh kerana kekurangan tdur dan juga kepeningan, aku mnta off awal. HAHAHAHA~~ Blk je rh, tukar baju, tkar sluar, aku pon mnidurkan diri. Nah..hambek ko. Dri pkl 12 tgh hri aku tdor, pkl 8 mlm aku bgn. Bgn2 je p mandi then bawa firah pgi makan kt warong. Sbb blom masak.. n stok dah abis. HAHA~~ Blik mkn je.. ddk kejap tgk tv.. aku smbung tdor balik. Bgn2 pgi ni dah pkl 10 pg. HAHA~~ Gilerrrrr... Ptg ni tdi pon aku smbung tdur lg... Ni pon mata dah ngntok dah ni. Kekenyangan mkn ayam masak merah masakan kema. HEHE~~ Sedappppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sekarang pula, rasa boring je... hp pon xde bnyi2.. xde org msg aku. Hurm... mmg la... Couple is trouble... single is HORRIBLE!! boring doe! Menahan rasa je lah.. hehehehehe p/s : smbg tgk Triple X...