Hello there. I think almost a week I didn't update my blog. Its been a busy week for me. Busy getting money as some people said. I do but I don't want to be money's slave. Hoho.. I just want to have money for a living. A good live of course. Okay. Last time I did post about my current situation with my part time partner. Erm..did I mention he cried because of me? Let me make it simple. I never expected that he would cried for me. I don't know either he cry because he love me or he worried he played with my heart. I don't know. I only know he cried. So suddenly!! I asked him why, then he said he cried because he feel guilty with me. He feel that he seem play with my heart. If he not say "Yes" when I'm offering my deal last time, he will not feel the guiltiness on me. Then, because I saw he cried, I tell him I can let him go he want to and I don't want he feel sad or sympathy on me. You want to know what his answer? He said "NO!. I ...
Be happy .... Live the life to the fullest!.. Regret nothing...