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Unlimited Memories

Hola.... its been a long time i didn't update with my blog. *aaaccheeewww*

This seem will be my final sem. And of course i'm trying my no no.. i'm trying my VERYYYYY BESST and VERRRY HARD to finish my last semester. It will be the tough semester ever. (It is!!)

On this finale, i make new friends, creating memories with my beloved friends which i believe i will remember it forever and ever. Sob sob sob... T.T

And the best thing ever, i had achieved my target which is..... my handball teammate and i (of course as a team captain) were qualified for final match for Pertandingan Bola Baling Peringkat Negeri Sarawak. I'm so so so glad and happy. kui kui kui!! :-D Mostly, all my teammate are same with me (final year student), we are really happy can do our very best till the last. Oh yeah!!

Now i know how my friends who had graduated last year. It really sad to leaving this awesome uni life. After this, i will struggle more to survive and living. Mean that i'm gonna find a job which is can afford my desire. LOL!!! *terrible me* But, whatever it is, life must go on dude!!

Dear friends, our memories that we created together i will keep it till my last breath. Our friendship will be lasting forever and ever! Love you all!!! *BIG HUG from me* *HUG HUG HUG*

I think that all at this moment... Anyway, thanks for reading. :D


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